
IT and its Social and Ethical Impact on Global Society

Information Technology in a Global Society studies the Social and Ethical impacts of IT on different Areas like Business and Employment, Health, Education, Entertainment, Art, Politics, and Science.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Astronauts Jiggle ISS Water Recycler Handle But Crew Can't Drink Pee Just Yet

The multimillion dollar water recycler recently installed by astronauts aboard the International Space Station is still experiencing some minor issues this evening, meaning crew members will just have to wait to have their first peetinis, Long Island Iced Pees, Whiskpee Sours and other lame pee-themed drinks I have yet to think of. The prototype recycler, which separates waste from water using a centrifuge system, was brought to the station aboard the latest shuttle mission. It malfunctioned two hours after installation, although a separate sweat and waste water recycler is working as expected. Phew!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Supercomputers Corroborate Einstein's e=mc2 After 103 Years

Believe it or not, but it has taken 103 years and the combined power of various of the world's top supercomputers to prove Eintein's biggest equation right, resolving e=mc2 at the scale of sub-atomic particles. The feat has been achieved by a team of French, German, and Hungarian physicists led by Laurent Lellouch at the Center for Theoretical Physics in France, and has finally answered a question that has puzzled scientists for decades: The Mysterious Case of the Disappearing Atom Mass!

The Pentagon Bans USB Flash Drives

AP reports that the Department of Defense has, at least for the time being, banned USB flash drives and is collecting all Pentagon-owned drives from the entire department. The Pentagon hasn't issued an official statement, but a spokesman did say that they are dealing with a "global virus" that affects such external storage. Apparently, Department of Defense lackeys are being told that they may not get their drives back, and no information has been given regarding the length of the ban.

Aptina producing cellphone image sensor that shoots HD video

Aptina -- a division of Micron that manufactures one out of every three sensors for mobile phone cameras -- has announced the high resolution 5 megapixel MT9P013. There are better sensors out there already, but this one will also be able to record 720p HD video at 60 frames per second, and 5-megapixel video at 15fps. The sensor is going into production in January of 2009, according to Aptina, so it shouldn't be too long before we start seeing much better quality amateur films out there in the world.

Verizon Staff Accessed Obama Cellphone Data, Became Ex-Verizon Staff

Several Verizon Wireless employees stumbled upon the Pandora's Box of personal cellphone accounts, that of President-Elect Barack Obama, and couldn't help sneaking a peek. Luckily, the account was old and out-of-use, there's no indication that email records, voicemails or call contents were monitored, and at the very most the employees only got to see billing records, according to Verizon Wireless CEO Lowell McAdam. Oh yeah, and the employees are now fired.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

What is Windows 7?

Is the Internet affecting our people skills?

Rewired Generation:

Milenials we're called or Generation Y's: Casual wear, BRB, LOL, :) we're better reading emoticons than people's facial expressions. Is this bad? Of course not.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bling bling earphones!! Just like Lil Jon!!

ON SALE FOR ONLY £3,500 !!! These gold plated diamond-encrusted earphones are the most expensive earphones in the world. Frankly, i would settle for a burger and fries.

Apple Apples Are Not from Apple

Apple should sue, COPYRIGHTS! :)

Monday, November 17, 2008

An eye for an eye .. mm how about an eye-cam instead?

Tanya Vlach, a San Francisco-based artist, lost her eye in a 2005 car accident, and now keeps a blog chronicling the "monocular life." She's got a real-enough looking prosthetic eye, but Tanya's a self-described "sci-fi geek," and, with the approval of her doctor, she's put out a call for engineers to build her a camera... for her fake eye.


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This work by Osama Alshurafa is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.